Vintage Finds
Retail Items
About Us
A few years ago now my husband saw me and a sweet friend, Amanda painting in my garage. He said, “you are really enjoying this?” It was a question. I had just completed a fairly stressful but rewarding job. My heart was full and yet broken. Painting was all new. It was a form of expression. The way that the new colors on the tired and worn furniture transformed each piece was exciting. I found myself dreaming about the way each one would look. The other thing that made me happy was to think about the one who would take it home. My daughter began asking me several years ago when we were out yard sale shopping…”Mom, where are you going to put that?” So, as I shop & paint I think about that. Where will they put this? How will it go into their home? I want it to be loved & enjoyed. For this unique & rethought piece to truly receive it’s new life!
My sweet husband Randy. After asking that question decided to remodel a shop here on our farm. That is also where part of my business name comes from. We have now been married for 31 years. I have done everything from packed buckets of feed to watered every animal. Bucked bales of hay, which by the way was our very first date 🙂 At one time I was the Shepherdess of 1000 head of sheep. Watching over the flock as they lambed was one of my favorite tasks. I learned so much. Salvation is near to my heart & soul. I believe that Jesus is my Savior. Watching the transformation of so many items has been good for my soul.

Wednesday – Saturday
Open 10AM – 5PM
Closed Sunday & Monday
106 S Lefevre
Medical Lake, WA 99022